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Use "ASTER4OFF" To Get 4% Off , Free Shipping All Over In India! COD will take more time to deliver approx 10 days. Please contact our customer care for more info

Use "ASTER4OFF" To Get 4% Off , Free Shipping All Over In India! COD will take more time to deliver approx 10 days. Please contact our customer care for more info


Aug 13

Vitamin C is a proven powerful antioxidant nutrient. In more scientific language, it is known as L-ascorbic acid. This vitamin has high water solubility. Unlike a lot of mammals, humans also do not have the capability to synthesize vitamin C in the body itself and have to obtain it from an external diet or supplements. However, vitamin C is very essential to carry out a lot of enzymatic activities in our body such as the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is one of the major components of our body structures as well as connective tissue. It is also required for the synthesis of a lot of neurotransmitters and the regulation of certain highly important gene expressions.

Fruits and vegetables are the big storehouses of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, potatoes, bell pepper, strawberry, oranges, lemon, guava, tomatoes, and many others are major contributors of vitamin C to our regular diet. Other good sources of this vitamin are red and green peppers, broccoli, kiwifruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, and brussels sprouts.

Although deficiency of vitamin C is rare these days because most people tend to get an adequate quantity of this vitamin from the food itself. Some people prefer to go for supplemental preparations of vitamin C in order to enhance and optimize immune function, prevent flu, and support the overall well-being of the body. For most individuals, vitamin C supplementation is totally safe for general health benefits. But still, it is always advised to discuss this with a healthcare provider and then consume any health supplement to get aided for recovery from certain illnesses.

We researched a lot of vitamin C supplements and then finally evaluated that the liposomal form of vitamin C supplements is best for availing maximum benefits of the consumed nutrient.

Following order can help us in knowing the effectiveness of the various vitamin C forms:

Liposomal preparation > Capsular preparation > Pill/Tablet formulations > Powder forms

Let's know what makes liposomal vitamin C supplement superior among all:

Liposomal Vitamin C vs Regular Vitamin C Preparations


Liposomal Vitamin C

Regular Vitamin C (Capsule, powder, or pills/tablets)


Enclosed in Lipid spheres and remain intact in any kind of gut medium (varying pH & enzymes)

Not enclosed in Lipid spheres and most of it is destroyed in gut medium


Shows escalated absorption as well as bioavailability (up to 95%)

Shows poor absorption (only up to 20%) and excreted out prior to absorption


Dissolve only in blood stream and can substitute Intravenous Vitamin C for high doses

Dissolves in water medium of the gut and never reaches to the bloodstream in high dose

*Note: High doses of Liposomal vitamin C are helpful in high immune-boosting.

To sum up, taking liposomal vitamin C can be much more beneficial in maintaining a healthy level of vitamin C in our body and getting all the associated benefits, including optimal immune function, maintaining skin health, and overall better well-being. But for the best results, always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

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